Fumigation: A Strong Weapon for Pest Management
Fumigation can be defined as a measure to manage and control pests by suffocating and choking them by the use of toxic gas, out of which the area occupied by the pests is well sealed so as to obliterate any sight of potential escape. It further highlights the basis of dealing with mass infestations of invasives, be it insects, rodents or any other organism.
Let’s take a step back and see how this works:
Preparation: The area of interest is well encapsulated so that no loss of gas can be incurred.
Fumigation: The gas is well circulated throughout the ban, sufficiently ensuring that all corners of the space are reached.
Exposure: Once that is achieved, resting the area allows the chemicals to do their work which allows every infected spot to be dose within the gas, further annihilating all life cycles present in the crannies, whether being eggs or adult life.
Aeration: Once the desired time is reached, the remaining gas is evaporated, fully ventilating the section.
The Michael Bay of pest control:
Resell Pest: Use in case of bed bugs, cockroaches etc. which could harm the food and the habitats in exchange for housing or use.
Commercial Use: Support warehouses, food factories, dorms and other commercialized facilities in where there is a potential of mass infestation.
Internal Support: Using it as a means to eradicate termite infestations for homes and businesses.
Using the above or following any other form of fumigation is strongly discouraged if not being done by a licensed specialist There is a high probability of undoing whatever implications you are trying to avoid by performing the above mentioned due to lack of equipment or knowledge.
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