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Termite Protection Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

 Termites are often referred to as silent destroyers as they cause a lot of destruction in homes and structures without any noise. These insects that feed on wood can bring down the entire house making you have to visit the repairs quite often and will also pose some risks. Every homeowner knows the threat of termites but involving themselves in measures to protect themselves against such threats is very important.

The Termite Threat

Termites are referred to as social insects because they are typically found in colonies that have a structure where some are workers and others are soldiers. Of these, the dampwood termite is the most commonly found species, the tunnels are built in the soil to reach the wood. Drywood termites, however, are different in the sense that they can actually destroy wood that is already dry without coming into contact with the soil.

Signs of Termite Activity

One of the critical factors about a number of insects, including termites, is that they have to be controlled by recognizing when they come out so as to act against them before it is too late. Here are some common indicators:

Mud Tubes: These are simple mud tubes seen in areas where termites work. They are covered with mud and are commonly seen in properties on wood, walls and foundations.

Wood Damage: Hollow wood, galleries and wood perforations.

Swarms: They fly up to a few hundred feet into the air and swarm termites probably flying out of a colony. Breeding season is marked when these winged insects come out of the colony.

Frass: Frass refers to tiny shaped droppings that look like little pellets produced by termites.

The Cost of Neglect

A termite infestation should never be disregarded, as it may have greater implications many years down the line. Structural issues, such as damage to framing or even to the support beams can be some of the damages. Fixing the damage caused by termites may take a lot of money, with a lot of work ranging from simple fixes to the need to rebuild.

How to protect your home from termites

If you are concerned about the possible invasion of termites within your property, then you have to do the following:

  1. Make it a Habit to Inspect:

Perform creative and effective builds to assess your home, especially in wood insatiable are such as a basement, crawl space, and attic.

Look for debris, burrowing tunnels, and insects that indicate a termite presence.

  1. Control Excess Moisture:

Excess moisture is one of the perfect conditions for termites. They can be repaired by:

Fixing leaky pipes or plumbing hooks.

Adding air flow.

360 well drainage system done to your house.

  1. Do not Let Any Wood Touch the Soil:

For instance, things made of wood like decks, porches, fences and other structures can be placed on dirt.

Replace the wood with rot-resistant wood or galvanised materials.

  1. Availability of Termite-Resistant Materials:

Include termite resistant materials to your construction or remodeling works. This includes:

Treated timber

Manufactured timber products

Treated timber foundations

  1. Professional Pest Control:

Get the services of a trusted pest control company who will visit your home regularly.

Professionals will be able to notice early signs of termite and advise on ways of preventing them.

  1. Seal Entry Points:

Make sure that all cracks and openings in the foundation and walls of the house have been sealed to prevent entrance of termites.

Use adhesive caulk, weather seal or any other available material for this purpose.

  1. Landscaping Practice:

Ensure that there is well maintained landscaping around your house.

Store wood piles away from your house’s foundation and don’t plant trees near the building.

  1. Bait Stations:

Put bait stations around your building in order to measure or monitor the termite activity and also to help control any infestations that may be present.

  1. DIY Tactics:

Home treatments are often recommended if there are small pest problems but more often than not commercial pest control will come with better treatments.

Case Study: A Home Saved from Termite Damage

In a recent case, a Californian house owner became aware of the presence of termites in their basement. Upon further examination, the support beams were found to have a lot of damages. The homeowner reported that the very next day, the pest control company came and completed a complete inspection and created a complete treatment program. The treatment was a combination of both a chemical treatment and baiting stations to kill the termites and prevent further damages. The homeowner, therefore, was able to do this on time and did not have to deal with very costly repairs as well as the house was safe from any structural damage.


Keeping your house safe from termites is not a reactive task, but should be done even before the presence of the destructive pests. Therefore if one adopts the practices discussed in this post, less likelihood if termite infestation will be experienced and therefore much of the property will be preserved from expensive damages. Inspections, moisture control and pest control are among other things that should be included in the complete termites’ protection strategy.


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